
Name(Full Name)
Example : Wong Xiao Ming
Shipping Address
Contact Number
Please input numerical characters only
Email Address
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※Kindly make sure that the email has not gone to ‘Spam’ and ‘Junk Mail’ folder after applying.
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Upload your item image

※Image format : jpg , gif , png
※Maximum 5MB for each image size

Brand Name
Example: White Gold Ring, ROLEX
Item description
※Please use ‘Photo Upload’ Method if you are unsure about product name/serial.
Kindly describe item name and date of purchase in details
Date of Purchase
Example: Year 1998, May
Condition of Item
Example: 9/10
Preferred method of contact
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Notes & Remarks
※If you have chosen ‘LINE’ as your preference contact, kindly leave your ID here.
※We encourage you to describe your item condition in details.
※If you wish to estimate more items, kindly describe them here.

I certify that I am 21 years of age or older. (You must be at least 18 years old for using this service)

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